Monday, June 14, 2010


Day 1

Today my family planned to visit the World Peace Pavillion, and the Pier 21 Historic Site. After having a wonderful brunch buffet at the hotel we are staying at (Atlantica Hotel Halifax), we headed over to the World Peace Pavillion in Ferry Terminal Park. At the World Peace Pavillion, there were numerous items from countries all over the world. Every country was invited to share some of their country’s history / background. Some of the artifacts included a brick from the Great Wall of China, a piece of the Berlin Wall. Over 75 countries have contributed to the World Peace Pavillion, giving us an amazing cultural and global experience. After this splendid morning at the World Peace Pavillion, my family ate lunch at The Wooden Monkey. I had a scallop and almond salad:

Scallop and Almond Salad
Local scallops cooked golden brown, nestled in an herb embedded phyllo basket with toasted almonds, on organic greens dressed with a sweet onion vinaigrette and feta cheese
... $15.75

... with mini ice cream sandwiches:

Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches
Locally crafted ice cream from Dee Dee’s in Peggy’s Cove, between two housemade ginger cookies
... $6

Fun Fact: The Wooden Monkey had a lot of vegan choices on their menus, such as chocolate tofu pie, and a lentil burger.

Once lunch was finished, my family and I traveled to Pier 21, to learn about the migration that went on between 1928 to 1971. At Pier 21, their were activities, presentations, interactive exhibits, etc. This gave us something to physically do from the World Peace Pavillion. After my family explored Pier 21, we headed back to the hotel for a bite to eat. When we were done eating, we decided to wind down in our room, and go to sleep.

Day 2

When I woke up, the time was already 10:00! I get up, but no one was there. Then I heard the door open, and there was my family with breakfast for me. They told me that I looked tired and let me sleep in. I then rushed down my food and we headed off for the Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame. I found the Sports Hall of Fame extremely interesting and fun. This is mostly because I am athletic and enjoy playing sports. After spending a couple hours at the Sports Hall of Fame, my family and I had a very fast, late, lunch at The Chicken Burger. I decided to try a chicken burger. After the fantabulous lunch ( “cough cough” ), we drove to the Halifax Citadel Historic Site. I have never been inside of a citadel before, so this was exciting. I couldn’t believe the size of the citadel and the gardens. The citadel was the last of the places I went in Halifax, and the experience was thrilling. The day is ending and we are packing up for Sudbury. The past 2 days at Halifax taught me a lot about the history of Halifax. I hope to revisit it sometime.

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